Opposition to the closure of the Alsace-Lorraine Post office in Grenoble

Opposition to the closure of the Alsace-Lorraine Post office in Grenoble
Opposition to the closure of the Alsace-Lorraine Post office in Grenoble

Tuesday April 30 around 5 p.m. between 150 and 200 people gathered in Grenoble in front of the post office on Avenue Alsace-Lorraine. An office threatened with closure in June, which the Sud-Ptt union says it learned not from management but from the city of Grenoble, consulted on the subject. A city opposed to this closure, while others have already taken place in 2018, others have been avoided through protest and others are threatening. And she’s not the only one. Just as the fight against closures is no longer just the business of small towns, which were the first to be affected.

Proximity and competence

In Alsace-Lorraine in Grenoble this Tuesday, many elderly residents, in particular, were there to express their incomprehension at the desire to close an office.where there are always people“, where the staff is”helpful” And “competent“. An office of trust and above all “Proximity“, “just in front“. The prospect of going to the République office, the Saint Bruno office or even to the “contact point” on rue Casimir Brenier, in a convenience store, hardly enchants the customers who are still loyal to the mail or who had chosen the Postal Bank precisely because of its proximity, for unions like Sud or for the Grenoble collective “J’aime ma Poste”, it is above all further proof of the sacrifice of public services in the name of “.profits“.

Lifestyle changes

If La Poste is no longer a public company, it is nonetheless true that it is still the custodian of a public service… which it ensures that it fulfills beyond its obligations in Isère. In a press release she explains that 97.3% of the Isère population “is less than 5 kilometers or 20 minutes drive” of its services, while its legal obligation is 90%. Today’s life, in Grenoble as elsewhere, the growing use of digitalization and e-commerce, requires a “reorganization” of services, including territorially, explains the group. But what services? If in Grenoble for example, La Poste claims “a particularly dense postal presence”, with “20 contact points”, “41 pick-up relays allowing the collection of parcels” and “53 partner tobacconists”, these postal services are now in the vast majority delivered by merchants and not by postal workers. This is also the case in the department’s small or medium-sized towns and larger villages where in addition to traders there are now also many municipal “Post contact points”.

.La Poste offices and contact points in Isère




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