gendarmes and police officers in Maine-et- are intensifying checks after six deaths on the roads in September. – Info

gendarmes and police officers in Maine-et- are intensifying checks after six deaths on the roads in September. – Info
gendarmes and police officers in Maine-et-Loire are intensifying checks after six deaths on the roads in September. – Angers Info
Credit AM/ Info. Joint police/gendarmerie road check this morning at the exhibition park in ANgers

In order to enforce the highway code, and avoid sometimes fatal accidents, the gendarmes and police officers of Maine-et- are stepping up road checks. Six people died in one month on the department’s roads. 3 people are still in critical condition also.

“An important blow”

There is undoubtedly an emergency after the hecatomb of the number of deaths on the roads of Maine-et-Loire in September. Also, for a week the Prefecture of Maine-et-Loire will increase road safety actions in the department. “Bad luck or human negligence, all accidents can be avoided if people were vigilant” insists Philippe Chopin, prefect of Maine-et-Loire, present this morning at a joint police/gendarmerie road check at the exhibition park roundabout.

During road safety week, the police and gendarmes will go to two high schools and meet the oldest ones in Saint Sylvain d’Anjou. Vulnerable people, young and old, are the target of this action. “21% of those over 65 are involved in an accident or are killed. » indicates the prefect.



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