: a waiter between life and death after intervening during a theft in a restaurant

: a waiter between life and death after intervening during a theft in a restaurant
Paris: a waiter between life and death after intervening during a theft in a restaurant

It was around 9 p.m. on Sunday in the small rue Baudricourt near the Maison Blanche metro station in (13th arrondissement), when a man burst into a restaurant. According to a police source, the latter tried to steal their personal belongings from customers before a server from the establishment intervened.

The thief then hit him in the face with his fist, causing him to collapse to the ground. The victim was transported to hospital in absolute emergency with a life-threatening prognosis. The attacker fled and has not yet been found by the police.

A few minutes after the attack, when the police arrived at the scene of the attack, the officers found the emergency services taking care of the waiter, the victim of a “punch in the face”, according to a source close to the matter.

Chased by several restaurant customers

After inflicting this blow on his victim, the attacker allegedly fled towards Avenue de Choisy, before being chased by several customers of the restaurant. The suspect then allegedly got rid of a bag containing clothes that he had just stolen from the establishment.

A general appeal was launched by the police to try to find him, while the victim was transported to the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital for absolute emergency treatment.



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