Agents watered, Gérard Lopez puts Bordeaux in the red

Agents watered, Gérard Lopez puts Bordeaux in the red
Agents watered, Gérard Lopez puts Bordeaux in the red

Definitely left behind in the race to climb, Bordeaux is not even certain of playing the next season in Ligue 2. The cause is serious financial problems, particularly linked to agent commissions paid by owner Gérard Lopez.

The situation is becoming serious in Bordeaux. Last March, the Sud-Ouest regional daily told us that the Girondins training ground in Haillan was no longer watered. The pump allowing the system to operate had not been repaired. It would not be a simple oversight. The problem comes rather from the financial difficulties of the Aquitaine club which would have difficulty meeting the planned expenses until the end of the season. It must be said that the figures revealed by the DNCG are overwhelming, particularly in terms of agent commissions highlighted by banker David Gluzman.

An L1 level payroll

After transfer, having sold part of his family jewels, the Girondins lost €8 millionnoted the specialist in structured financing, contacted by Webgirondins. Payroll is the huge problem with agent commissions. The payroll represents 16% of the total payroll of Ligue 2. We would be the 12th payroll in Ligue 1. This payroll is attributable to Gérard Lopez. (…) As a percentage of turnover, commissions represent 11%, it’s incredible. It’s €3.5 million. In France, out of 40 clubs, we are the eighth most generous club in absolute value in terms of agent commissions. »

For example, this represents twice the women’s budget, or 50% of the Concarneau budget. It’s incredible. How it is possible ? Don’t let anyone talk to me about restructuringthe expert got annoyed. It’s not illegal, but we arrive at a financial abyss: – €44 million before transfer, 23% of Ligue 2’s losses, it’s the third largest deficit in France. Every year we lose the Brest budget. Bordeaux is dependent on trading, it is forced to sell five times more than the average in Ligue 2 to survive. At some point, the Source dries up. You don’t have to pay such high salaries, you have to think about the sustainability of the club. » This summer, passing in front of the DNCG will once again be feared.




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