at a meeting in Grenoble, Manon Aubry promises “another left-wing trajectory”

at a meeting in Grenoble, Manon Aubry promises “another left-wing trajectory”
at a meeting in Grenoble, Manon Aubry promises “another left-wing trajectory”

Less than six weeks before the European elections, the head of the France Insoumise list, Manon Aubry gave a meeting, Tuesday April 30, in Grenoble (Isère). The elected official defended her record and tackled her left-wing adversaries, whom she accused of having made “the choice of division”. Mathilde Panot, just out of her hearing for advocating terrorism, was at his side.

No fewer than three rooms were needed to accommodate the thousand activists from La France insoumise (LFI) at Alpexpo, the exhibition and conference center in Grenoble. The head of the party’s list in the European elections, Manon Aubry, was in Isère this Tuesday April 30 to defend her candidacy.

During her speech, Manon Aubry did not fail to tackle her socialist competitors and their head of the list, qshe accuses of aligning with liberal policies. “We must say what is happening in the European Parliament. The socialists, the Macronist liberals and the right govern together to sign free trade agreements, vote for austerity rules which will sacrifice our public services and our social protection, they vote together on the energy market. We must be held accountable, these European elections are the opportunity.”

Faced with an audience of activists, the elected official added that she “regrets that some have chosen division. We are not condemned to the duo between RN and Macronists. There is another left-wing trajectory for wealth sharing and ecological transition.”

Mathilde Panot also took to the podium in Grenoble. Only a few hours after being heard by the police for advocating terrorism after comments linked to the war in the Middle East, the leader of the party in the National Assembly returned to this hearing: “This is the first time in the entire history of the Fifth Republic that the president of an opposition group has been summoned before the police. That is to say: is summoned to report on her political opinions, our political opinions in front of the police, thundered the MP for the 10th constituency of Val-de-Marne, present at the rally. What Emmanuel Macron is doing has a name, it is called recreating a thought police. !”

A speech which spared no one, and which was able to attract potential voters disappointed by the breakup of the union of the left in 2022. “I am not a member of LFI, I support the NUPES program, explained a supporter we met at Alpexpo. For me, Manon Aubry carries the NUPES program.”

“We have to stay grounded on the program. If we start trying to seduce people who think differently, we will lose our electoratewarns an LFI activist. BMany parties – radical, communist, socialist – are born, they grow, they live and once they have access to their demands, a new generation rises. The time for insubordination has arrived.”

Changing the trajectory of Europe, for more social governance, is what the voters of France Insoumise hope for.

Credited with 7% of voting intentions less than six weeks before the election on June 9, France Insoumise is far behind the socialist list (14%), led by Raphaël Glucksmann, and that of the presidential majority (17%), conducted by Valérie Hayer, according to a Cevipof-Ipsos-Institut Montaigne-Jean-Jaurès Foundation study for The world, published Monday April 29, and covering 10,651 people. The National Rally, led by Jordan Bardella, leads the poll (32%).



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