“The 23 billion invested by the CDC produce more…” (Fadilou Keita)

“The 23 billion invested by the CDC produce more…” (Fadilou Keita)
“The 23 billion invested by the CDC produce more…” (Fadilou Keita)

The general director of the Caisse de dépôt et de consignation (Cdc), Fadilou Keita, during the program Grand Jury, examined the matter on the transfer of assets from the Cdc to Air Senegal to the Ministry of Transport. “The CDC receives resources that it is in the process of securing, leveraging and investing. » The CDC had to do portage. “That is to say, we had to invest quickly and over time disengage in favor of private Senegalese companies,” explains Fadilou Keita. Who supports: “We have 23 billion tied up on this project housed in the portfolio of the Ministry of Infrastructure”. “We are only administrators, we do not have a PCA position, we do not hold governance even though we are the sole shareholder on board. » I think what would be more logical is for this project to continue to be managed by this ministry. In return, the 23 billion invested by the Cdc which had not been producing for several years can be handed over to the Cdc and put into much more priority sectors,” he insisted.




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