The damning order which reveals the maneuvers of the RN and the FN

The damning order which reveals the maneuvers of the RN and the FN
The damning order which reveals the maneuvers of the RN and the FN

The affair of the European parliamentary assistants of the National Rally lifts the veil on the functioning of a separate organization entirely devoted to the Le Pen family and its associates. From Monday, its leaders will appear for several weeks before the criminal court for embezzlement of public funds. Blast exclusively publishes the referral order which sets out the factual elements and the issues at stake in a crucial meeting for the family SME, the outcome of which could trigger a purge. A 155-page document which offers a suffocating dive into the secrets of the far-right firm.

Photo/illustration credits at the top of the page:
Blast, the breath of information Morgane Sabouret



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