Very high voltage line. The project presented in , a “masquerade” for opponents

Very high voltage line. The project presented in , a “masquerade” for opponents
Very high voltage line. The project presented in Marseille, a “masquerade” for opponents

A first project for a very high voltage line between Bouches-du-Rhône and was presented by the prefect of the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur region this Friday, September 27. If it is a “zone of lesser impact”, according to the prefecture, opponents continue to deplore a “forceful passage”.

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The opposition does not weaken around the new THT line of 400,000 volts in project between Bouches-du-Rhône and Gard.

The prefect of the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur region, Christophe Mirmand, presented this Friday September 27 during a meeting at the prefecture in a first project route, accompanied by requests for additional studies and consultations.
This 400,000 volt line, over approximately 65 km between Jonquières-Saint-Vincent in the Gard and Fos-sur-Mer, in the Bouches-du-Rhône, should allow, according to the network operator RTE, to cope with an expected doubling of the demand for electrical power, in particular to decarbonize the Fos site, one of the two most polluting in France, and to accommodate new so-called “green” industrial projects.

Also read: Very high voltage line: “we are sacrificing our territory”, farmers, residents and elected officials are up in arms against the project

The prefect announced after a third “consultation meeting” having validated a “least impact zone” for the passage of the line, which bypasses the towns of Beaucaire (Gard) and (Bouches-du-Rhône) from the West and notably crosses part of the Camargue park nature reserve.

What I criticize the Prefect for is the feeling that this consultation was a masquerade.

Nelson Chaudon

Mayor (RN) of Beaucaire

“[Le préfet] wanted to protect certain parts initially planned in this zone, they are all in Bouches-du-Rhône. As if Gard was predisposed to welcoming this line”, reacted to France bleu Gard Lozère the mayor (RN) of Baucaire Nelson Chaudon.

The prefect announced after a third “consultation meeting” having validated a “least impact zone” for the passage of the line, which bypasses the towns of Beaucaire (Gard) and Arles (Bouches-du-Rhône) from the West and notably crosses part of the Camargue park nature reserve.
This choice is “with four requests” continued the prefect: the organization of a “global debate on the impact of all projects” under the aegis of the National Commission for Public Debate; the realization of a “independent and contradictory study” on RTE’s choice of an aerial route rather than burial, considered technically too uncertain and very costly; expertise on the assessment of future electricity needs and specific consultation with the agricultural sector.
This choice of zone, which will now have to be refined to arrive at the final route, “is an important phase but which opens up new consultations”he insisted.

>> Fos Very High Voltage Line: “we are trying to strangle our country of Arles”, opponents ask for less impactful alternative solutions

Isabelle Gex, member of the “Stop THT 13/30” collective, for her part denounced “a strong passage” and one “masquerade” consultation around a “project which is archaic and does not hold water”.
Laurent Israelian, departmental secretary of the FNSEA, the main agricultural union, also denounced a project “which directly impacts the Camargue”. “We farmers are very restricted on our activities in the (natural) park but RTE could come in and do what they want,” he protested.
Christophe Berassen, RTE’s “Mediterranean development and engineering” director, for his part assured that the operator would work to “find a balance with local stakeholders”with particular attention to environmental impacts and ecological or financial compensation.

The planned schedule is still a start of work in 2027 after administrative validations, with “the objective of being able to meet the needs of manufacturers by the end of the decade”insisted Mr. Mirmand.
Opponents have already announced their intention to take legal action against any decision validating the project.



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