Refusal to comply and custody under tension for this 19-year-old driver

Refusal to comply and custody under tension for this 19-year-old driver
Refusal to comply and custody under tension for this 19-year-old driver

A refusal to comply occurred in Liévin, in Pas-de-. When the police wanted to check the driver of a Renault Clio, he fled.

The first toxicological analyzes carried out after the arrest revealed that the driver had consumed drugs. In addition, as reported by Horizon Actu, it turned out that the latter was driving without a driving license.

Police custody under high tension

After his arrest, the individual was taken to the police station to be placed in police custody. However, the latter quickly degenerated. In the grip of violent anger, the young man, aged 19, virulently insulted the police officers and even attempted to physically attack one of them. Faced with this aggressiveness, several agents had to intervene to control the individual.

The verbal and physical assault led to a complaint filed by three of the four police officers targeted by the insults. The violent behavior of the young man, already accused of driving under the influence of drugs and without a license, therefore worsened his legal situation.

Upcoming court appearance

Brought before the court, the young Liévinois will soon be judged as part of an Appearance procedure on Prior Recognition of Guilt (CRPC), commonly called “guilty plea”. This procedure allows the accused to admit the facts in exchange for a negotiated sentence, subject to acceptance by the judge. The court will have to rule on the multiple charges that now weigh against him: refusal to comply, driving under drugs, lack of license and contempt of public officials.



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