the fed up of residents after the new floods in Pas-de-

the fed up of residents after the new floods in Pas-de-
the fed up of residents after the new floods in Pas-de-Calais

New bad weather affected the Pas-de- department this Friday. Several communities suffered flooding. Residents denounce a situation that is not changing and call for help.

A repeating nightmare. Bad weather hit the Pas-de-Calais department again this Friday, causing mudslides and flooding in several municipalities.

In Longvilliers, Maxime has just started renovation work on his house. It has already been flooded several times last year. This year again, the rain endangers his home. He is forced to barricade the entrances to try to thwart the rising waters.

“I’m fed up! We were already disturbed. Here, we are doing with our means to save the house because the work has started and everything will be lost”, laments the victim, speaking to BFM TV.


In the town of Bréxent-Enocq, four kilometers to the south, a couple is also preparing for the worst. Their car is already loaded in case of a disaster. Exhausted, they denounce the state’s inaction.

“Come save us, come help us. At least do something so that we are no longer in this pain, in this perpetual misery because then it becomes unbearable,” laments Jean-Pierre Bellembert. “

“At one point, I even suggested to the prefect that we buy my house or have it razed. We have to leave, we don’t want to anymore,” he says.

But the damage could be worse, according to Michel Hédin, mayor of Bréxent-Enocq. “There is a basin of 15,000 cubic meters which was made during emergency works upstream of the town,” he indicates.

However, the work carried out appears to him to be insufficient. “On this side it is sufficient, but on the other side, nothing is done,” regrets the elected official.

According to the Pas-de-Calais prefecture, precipitation is expected to lose intensity this weekend. Some residents will not be able to return to their accommodation until next week.



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