An apricot library in a -Atlantique recycling center: what for?

An apricot library in a -Atlantique recycling center: what for?
An apricot library in a Loire-Atlantique recycling center: what for?

The community of municipalities, in conjunction with the Center Atlantique mixed union (SMCNA), has installed an apricot library on the site of the intercommunal recycling center.

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Didier Pécot, vice-president in charge of waste at the ComCom of Pontchâteau/Saint-Gildas-des- and mayor of Sévérac and Jean-Michel Buf, president of the SMCNA, regional councilor, mayor of Blain and national economic adviser circular, explain the concept: “This is a space dedicated to donations of objects and materials intended to be recovered by users of the recycling center for reuse which activates and maintains the circular economy. »

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The inauguration of the premises took place on Wednesday September 25, in the presence of Didier Pécot, Jean-Michel Buf and elected officials and agents of the territory and the SMCNA.

The municipality specifies the operation of the apricot library: “Residents of the community of municipalities will be able to deposit their objects and materials there (in good condition or repairable) but also recover those which have been deposited by other users of the recycling center. The apricot library is accessible during the opening hours of the recycling center. »

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