Christelle Luisier, Vaud State Councilor: “The feeling of saturation in the face of densification is not partisan”

Christelle Luisier, Vaud State Councilor: “The feeling of saturation in the face of densification is not partisan”
Christelle Luisier, Vaud State Councilor: “The feeling of saturation in the face of densification is not partisan”

Published on September 28, 2024 at 8:29 p.m. / Modified on September 28, 2024 at 8:38 p.m.

Sunday September 22, the inhabitants of Mont-sur-Lausanne accepted with 71% of the votes an initiative aimed at protecting a valley threatened by a project of 14 buildings, at the same time as they rejected the federal initiative on biodiversity. Similar objects were accepted by the population in Montreux, Blonay-Saint-Légier, Saint-Sulpice and Crissier. While Vaud is one of the cantons experiencing the strongest demographic growth, citizens express their dissatisfaction with densification. We asked Christelle Luisier, liberal-radical state councilor at the head of the Department of Institutions and Territory and president of the Vaud government, how she understands this phenomenon.

Le Temps: The residents of Mont-sur-Lausanne blocked a real estate project through a popular vote. This type of approach is increasing. Does this worry you?

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