Essonne: a student hit with a hammer in the courtyard of a high school in

Essonne: a student hit with a hammer in the courtyard of a high school in
Essonne: a student hit with a hammer in the courtyard of a high school in Montgeron

“Holy shit, hammer blows!” » exclaims a voice on a video which circulates widely on social networks. Filmed from a classroom at the Rosa-Parks high school in (Essonne), a brawl broke out this Friday morning in the courtyard of the establishment, around 10:35 a.m. Bringing together several teenagers, it left two people lightly injured.

The shocking images clearly show a student being held down by a friend while a second student hits him three times with a hammer. The scene ends when a high school student intervenes and removes the young gunman.

A regional security brigade dispatched to the site

According to our information, this brawl which took place in front of the eyes of several dozen students broke out at the end of morning recess. “We regret two minor injuries who were immediately received by the nurses,” said management in an internal message that we were able to consult. The parents of the victims were alerted. »

Archives. Often confronted with the phenomenon of brawls, the Rosa-Parks high school in Montgeron is a particularly monitored establishment. LP/Thomas Diquattro

In this same message, management specifies that it immediately alerted the local police station. “A patrol was sent to the site to secure the exterior of the establishment,” a police source confirmed this Friday afternoon. “The regional security brigade (BRS) was urgently dispatched and showed up at the beginning of the afternoon,” adds the establishment.

When contacted, the regional services confirmed “that a BRS was indeed mobilized at the Rosa-Parks high school in Montgeron at the request of the principal after two consecutive attacks with a hammer. » Created in 2019, these brigades set up by the Île-de- region intervene at the request of school leaders. They have been requested to remain on site for the coming week. Later in the afternoon, an attempted break-in into the school was also prevented.

“Impossible to search all the bags”

“This high school is subject to very strict control,” adds Mayor Sylvie Carillon (LR). To avoid intrusions, a turnstile has been installed at the entrance. The students pass one by one and show the agents that they are part of the establishment. But it is impossible to search all the bags. Rosa-Parks high school is the largest high school in the region, with 3,000 students. »

Finally, the elected official specifies that the surroundings of the establishment are scrutinized by the city’s video protection cameras. “The monitoring center is able to spot fights and very quickly alert the municipal police and the national police so that they can intervene,” emphasizes Sylvie Carillon.



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