Health insurance premiums to increase by 8.9% in Jura

Health insurance premiums to increase by 8.9% in Jura
Health insurance premiums to increase by 8.9% in Jura

Health insurance premiums are increasing again in the Jura. They will increase by an average of 8.9% in the canton for the year 2025, an average increase of 34.40 francs compared to this year. The Jura thus records the third highest increase in the country, after Ticino (+10.5%) and Glarus (+9.2%) and the highest in French-speaking Switzerland. According to the figures transmitted by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) this Thursday, the average increase reaches 6% at the national level.

The bill will be particularly steep for adults aged 26 and over. The average premium will increase by 9.2%, or 505.7 francs in 2025, which is 42.80 francs more than the previous year. For young adults aged 19 to 25, the premium will be 317.8 francs, an increase of 8.7%. For children, the average premium will increase by 8%, or 122.70 francs, which will be 9.1 francs more than this year.

Cost increase “questionable”

The cantonal authorities do not dispute the more marked ageing of the population in the Jura “which explains a third of the increase in annual costs” to explain this sharp increase in health insurance premiums. A second factor would be that the premiums collected do not cover the costs of Jura policyholders. “This can be explained by greater volatility of Jura policyholders, who opt for higher deductibles and more restrictive models”, the Canton specifies in a press release. The Department of Economy and Health also indicates that the figures from the OFSP which show a cost increase of more than 10% in the canton in the first half of 2024 “are questionable”. “According to the figures in the possession of the cantonal authorities (hospitals and nursing homes in particular) and which have been verified, the actual increase is significantly below the figures put forward”.

National figures

At the national level, the average premium for adults increases by 25.30 francs (6%) to reach 449.20 francs and that of young adults increases by 16.10 francs (5.4%) to reach 314.10 francs. The average premium for children increases by 6.5 francs (5.8%) compared to 2024 and amounts to 117.9 francs. “The system overall is not that bad,” commented Elisabeth Baume-Schneider at the national press conference. The Federal Councilor also commented on the sharp increase in premiums in the Jura: “I think these are demographic issues, issues of hospital planning choices.”

The people of Jura are invited to find out more and change their model, health insurance or deductible if it seems relevant to them. As a reminder, the termination letter must be sent to the current insurance by November 30 in the event of a change of basic insurance. To find out more, you can access the official premium comparator of the Confederation here. /gtr




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