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Traditions: Full house for the Planfayon descent from the Alps

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13,000 visitors attended the parade of 1,100 animals on Saturday in Planfayon.

Around 13,000 visitors came to watch the descent from the mountain pastures © Freiburger Nachrichten

Around 13,000 visitors came to watch the descent from the mountain pastures © Freiburger Nachrichten

Published on 21.09.2024

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

The traditional Planfayon désalpe was a great success, held on Saturday under a radiant sun. Around 13,000 visitors, compared to 10,000 last year, came to watch twenty herds of 1,100 animals descend from the mountain pastures. A herd of around sixty alpacas aroused the enthusiasm of the public, according to the press release from the organisers.

© Alpabzug Plaffeien

Musical entertainment was provided by the Alphorn group Alphorngruppe Geissflue, the musicians of Ländlerfrinda Aletsch and the Echo vom Hindere-Litzä. A market offering regional products and catering was also offered to visitors. The chairman of the organising committee, Norbert Schaller, was very satisfied: “The event took place without a hitch and without accidents. It is also gratifying that several new herds took part in the désalpe this year.”

The next edition of the event is scheduled for September 27, 2025.



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