Hellot the dog would like to say “goodbye” to his box at the SPAA shelter in Maine-et-

Hellot the dog would like to say “goodbye” to his box at the SPAA shelter in Maine-et-
Hellot the dog would like to say “goodbye” to his box at the SPAA shelter in Maine-et-Loire

Hellot is a 12-year-old dog whose large size is matched only by his immense kindness. Affectionate, friendly, still playful despite his age, Hellot is a brave grandpa. Kind and cheerful, he enjoys going for a little walk from time to time, just to discover new smells…

Hellot is a big old man. He is an endearing dog who does not deserve to end his life in a box. He hopes to find a loving and responsible family (preferably in a house with a garden) ready to welcome him and offer him a beautiful end of life with big cuddles, little games and quiet walks.

Given his age, the sweet Hellot can be adopted but also go to a foster family. Being a foster family means that his food and any veterinary costs are covered by the SPAA and that if you want to go on holiday but you can’t take him, a box will accommodate him during your absence.

However, if Hellot has already been adopted, don’t forget our other residents who are also waiting for a family.

Please note that adoption must be a thoughtful act that commits in the long term. An animal is not an object but a living being.


Breed: Labrador-Dogue cross

Born on 03/31/2012

Sex: castrated male

File No.: 35374

Elements to be provided for adoption

– identity card

– recent proof of address

– name and address of a veterinarian

Autonomous Animal Protection Society of Maine-et- – Promenade de la Baumette 49 000

Telephone – Fax

Mail (managed by volunteers, response time varies): [email protected]

Please note that adoptions are now taking place on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday afternoons by appointment only. See the SPAA website for more details.



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