Cycle tourism is gaining ground in

Cycle tourism is gaining ground in
Cycle tourism is gaining ground in Normandy


Ewen Robin

Published on

Sep 18, 2024 at 8:01 AM

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THE cycle tourism is gaining ground in and the numbers confirm it. A study led by the Inddigo firm and Normandy Tourism, between April and November 2023reveals that the region’s cycling routes have recorded 2.2 million passages.

Antoine Jean, regional advisor delegate to Bike plan and to the soft mobilityexplains that this investigation was carried out at several key sites, including the EuroVelo 4 cycle route, with counting points located in particular at Bricquebec and Brillevast in the Cotentin (Sleeve).

45.3 million euros per year

The study made it possible to identify three profiles of cycle tourists in Normandy. First, the excursionist, often a local resident which makes a loop during the day.

Then the leisure touristwho stays for several days, and finally, L’itineranta cyclist traveling a whole section of the cycle route. This diversity of users shows the growing appeal of Normandy’s cycle routes, both for residents and visitors from further afield.

THE economic benefits of this bicycle tourism are significant.

This tourism represents 45.3 million euros per year, with an average expenditure of 70 euros per tourist.

Antoine Jean

Among these cycle tourists, 65% are Frenchwhile 35% come from the strangermainly fromGermanyof the The Netherlands and of United Kingdom.

“These countries already have a developed cycling culture, so it is no wonder that they are well represented among visitors,” he adds.

Satisfied tourists

In addition to contributing to the local economy, the cycle tourism benefits from a high satisfaction rate. “84% of tourists are satisfied with the routes offered in the region,” underlines Antoine Jean.

Normandy, with its varied routes and his unique landscapesseems to have found a formula that works. However, the region does not intend to stop there.

In the long term, we want to further develop access to routes through intermodality.

Antoine Jean, the regional councilor

Of the improvements are therefore to be expected to facilitate access to cycle pathsin particular by connecting bicycles and public transport.

With such momentum, Normandy is asserting itself as a flagship destination for cycle touring enthusiasts, attracting both local residents and foreign visitors.

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