At the FDSEA of La Manche on September 16, 2024 | Federal Council: “we need you locally”

At the FDSEA of La Manche on September 16, 2024 | Federal Council: “we need you locally”
At the FDSEA of La Manche on September 16, 2024 | Federal Council: “we need you locally”

â Farmers are waiting for a Minister of Agriculture. Since the dissolution of the National Assembly, “nothing happens anymore“, get annoyed Jean-Michel Hamel, president of the FDSEA of the Manche and Luc Chardine, president of the Young Farmers of the Manche. However, important work had been carried out by the two unions, FNSEA and JA, following the actions at the beginning of the year. This is what Hervé Lapie came to remind us, during the federal council of the FDSEA of the Manche on September 16th. He also put forward the bill entitled “undertake in agriculture“, which is ready to be discussed as soon as a new government is in place and a new Minister of Agriculture appointed.”We want to act responsibly and with determination“in the lens”to improve the daily lives of farmers“, assures Hervé Lapie.

be competitive

Certainly the actions at the beginning of the year have enabled progress to be made, particularly on GNR. But the bill is blocked.It is not enough in our eyes. We want to restore elements of competitiveness, defend administrative simplification, have fair remuneration for our work that allows us to respect all the links in the chain. Food has a price. We must be offensive and give farmers new prospects.”assures the general secretary of the FNSEA.

“We want to act to improve the daily lives of farmers.” Hervé Lapie, general secretary of the FNSEA

Local issues

At the departmental level, there is no shortage of files. There is of course the health context with the evolution of the regulated zone concerning FCO (bluetongue) and MHE (epizootic hemorrhagic disease), the application of the Egalim law, contractualization or even actions related to the maintenance of waterways. On September 4 in the center of Manche, in Feugères, in the presence of State representatives (DDTM and OFB), the two unions carried out a ditch cleaning operation to remind people of the importance of maintaining waterways.If the November 2023 action before the OFB has helped to unblock emergency situations, we must be able to maintain our waterways without having to deposit silt in front of the prefecture“, notes François Rihouet. These operations will be repeated in the north and south of the department.

Good dynamics

The majority of cantons have gathered their members.Thanks to good discussions on local issues, we were able to think about solutions“, notes François Rihouet, who underlines the good dynamics of the network and recalls the role of each person.”If a lot of things are happening in Saint-Lô, , , or even Brussels, we need you locally“, he insists. Indeed, there are important issues at the level of municipalities or inter-municipalities, particularly in terms of town planning.”It’s important to be involved. And we’re counting on you.“, he concludes.

Chamber of Agriculture: elections in January 2025.



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