EXCLUSIVE “It erupted very quickly, very loudly”: High tensions in Koh-Lanta, Vanessa tells and explains

EXCLUSIVE “It erupted very quickly, very loudly”: High tensions in Koh-Lanta, Vanessa tells and explains
EXCLUSIVE “It erupted very quickly, very loudly”: High tensions in Koh-Lanta, Vanessa tells and explains

Tuesday, September 17, 2024, TF1 broadcast a new episode of Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Tribe. A special issue at the end of which not one but four adventurers left the game! Alexandre chose to give up, Michel was eliminated at the council while Nathanaël and Vanessa failed the test and had to leave the cursed island but also the program for good, while Mélissa and Emmanuelle, victorious, were able to join the teams already formed. From Purepeople, Vanessa opens up about her adventure. The opportunity for her to return to her elimination, the disputes on the cursed island or even her future projects.

How did you feel when Denis Brogniart announced your elimination?

I felt extremely disappointed. I was very disappointed in myself because I thought I was going to succeed and I didn’t. You should know that I’m not very good at these manual games. I would have preferred a balancing or nautical game. And then afterwards I regained confidence in myself. Between the moment I lost and the moment Denis spoke to us, I told myself that I shouldn’t be negative and just be proud of my adventure. I really did my best until the end, I stayed focused. And that allowed me to get back into a positive frame of mind.

What happened during the test?

I wasn’t at all serene. It reminded me of the first test with the board and the balls. Even with my children, I don’t like these games at all. I knew it was going to be very hard. But I kept hope because at one point I was doing quite well but it collapsed. I started again and again but it didn’t work.

How did you experience not finding anito?

I was extremely frustrated because I was the only one of the first four adventurers of the cursed tribe who didn’t find anito. It was complicated for me. I realized after the fact, while watching the episodes, that I was moving a lot to find them – because I was passing through the same places as Nathanaël and Mélissa each time – and instead of waiting for them to come back to the surface, I was moving straight to another place. It was a failure because I lacked patience. I regret it. But what allows me to stay positive is to tell myself that I was the oldest on the island, the guardian of the anitos. I was the leader of the cursed tribe. I prefer to tell myself that and cling to this positive image.

What was life like on the cursed tribe?

I won’t hide from you that it was very hard. The island is extremely hostile, we really had nothing to eat. For 5 days, we didn’t eat anything. We drank a lot, to hydrate ourselves but also to cut our hunger. It’s a technique that worked quite well. We ate a raw crab, a periwinkle, we tried to find some oysters but we didn’t have any coconuts… I also found a sugar cane once, but to share in four. In fact, we were adventurers who had no notion of survival so it wasn’t easy. There were no heroes with us. It was very difficult psychologically, morally, physically…

You had some friction with Melissa. What happened?

There were many factors that came into play. We had been trying to make the fire for three days. Psychologically, it was becoming difficult. We were lacking energy. And then we were more and more fragile, tired, sensitive. Mélissa has a very strong character, me too. So it can cause electricity. In those moments, we become a bit savage, literally and figuratively. It blew up very quickly, very hard, but since there were only four of us, we still had to make an effort, so we swallowed our pride and that same evening we got along, we were friends again. We had no choice in the matter.

If you could have chosen to join a team, which one and why?

I would have liked to join Ugo’s team. I really like his personality, he creates a natural, easy calm and at the same time he brings good humor and humor. I had a greater affinity with him than Frédéric. I even found the island prettier (laughs).

On social media, many people are laughing at your facial expression when faced with salty rice. What do you think?

The story is that we made the rice with sea water. I expected to taste normal rice. And in fact I felt like I was eating salt. I had a natural disgust. After I ate it, I won’t hide from you that I was picky but I ended up agreeing to eat everything that was in front of me. But at the time, I reacted very very badly because it was extremely harsh, bitter, not good at all. Then we changed the recipe, we added a little fresh water and it was much better.

What do you think about the controversies surrounding Lola?

I know that Lola is a person with a lot of character, a bit like Mélissa. They are strong women. I know that she has been criticized a lot. I like her a lot, she is someone I appreciate. In life I am always attracted to women with a strong character who don’t let themselves be pushed around. I think that people are a bit hard on her. I don’t watch the networks too much but I find the opinions a bit difficult. Lola is a really nice woman, really funny, always in a good mood, she laughs… I know her like that and I try not to follow what people say about her that is negative.

How did you organize yourself to Koh-Lantayou who are on all fronts and in particular mother of four children?

I have a lot of tours, they are used to me leaving often and they know that I go back and forth. So they were not disturbed. They were very proud of me, when I left but also when I came back. For my part, it was very hard not to have news from them. But I knew that they were in good hands. They encouraged me, motivated me, really lovely all four of them, I was very lucky.

What has changed in your life since then? Koh-Lanta ?

The importance of natural elements, clearly I pay much more attention to my environment. And then I learned to be patient. I also learned to be more calm. Before I did everything at 1000 miles an hour, and not necessarily well. Now, I do things one by one, no matter if I fall a little behind. And above all, I became aware of the place that my family and my children have in my life. I had made my career and dance a priority and I have since changed my mind. Right now I am injured, I pay attention to my body, I slow down to heal and be in shape for my shows, I take time for my loved ones, those around me. I realized the importance of human beings, of those I love and who love me.

What are your plans?

I have a project that I started but that is not yet completed. I would like to stop my career as a dancer to predestined myself for jobs in the audiovisual sector, either in journalism or in cinema. My dream is to become an actress. It is very close to my job: I play roles, I embody characters… I have already done it and it is what I like. I do a lot of theater. My absolute dream is to have a first or second role in a film. I know that for that it takes a lot of work, that it is difficult and I have to concentrate on it.

Exclusive content that cannot be reproduced without the mention Purepeople.



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