Slaughter of wandering goats and bucks in the Corbières: a elected official from the Animal Party asks the prefect of Aude to spare the animals

Slaughter of wandering goats and bucks in the Corbières: a elected official from the Animal Party asks the prefect of Aude to spare the animals
Slaughter of wandering goats and bucks in the Corbières: a Montpellier elected official from the Animal Party asks the prefect of Aude to spare the animals

On September 2, the prefect signed an order authorizing the slaughter of goats and bucks wandering on the departmental road 116A, on the territory of five municipalities: a response to a saga that began in 2016 with the installation of a breeder who over the years lost control of her livestock. On Monday, September 16, the deputy mayor of responsible for animal welfare, a member of the Animalist Party, asked the prefect to “prioritize the capture” of the animals.

15 days that the“temporary authorization to slaughter stray animals in the municipalities of Villesèque-des-Corbières, Saint-André de Roquelongue, Peyriac-de-Mer, Portel des Corbières and Fontjoncouse” came into force. On September 2, the prefect of Aude signed an order allowing the shooting of goats wandering on the RD 116A in the territory of the five municipalities mentioned. Another step taken by the State to address the problem of livestock farming that has become out of control and has been making headlines for several years, between damage caused to vines and a dangerous and repeated presence on the winding departmental road.

Also read:
Corbières: why the prefecture decided to “move up a notch” by authorizing the slaughter of stray goats

The day after the signing of the decree, the sub-prefect of , Rémi Recio, confirmed that the State services had “decided to go up a notch and allow this slaughter as soon as the animals were seen roaming the roads. We have to deal with the inability of the owner of the goats to act. And it cannot be said that we have not shown patience.” Reference to the futile attempts at consultation, to the capture operations or even to the multiple formal notices issued by the municipalities concerned, not to mention the criminal actions taken so that the breeder regains control of a herd which is said to have grown to 1,200 head, with today 100 to 150 animals. “in disrepair” according to the state.

Several shelters have already offered to take in these goats.

The initiative, even if Rémi Recio assured that “The idea was not to slaughter all the livestock”was quick to react. On Monday, September 16, it was by press release that the elected member of the Animal Party Eddine Ariztegui, deputy mayor of Montpellier and animal welfare delegate, condemned the decision of the Aude prefecture to slaughter a herd of 200 goats returned to the wild”.

Also read:
Corbières: winegrowers relieved by the prefecture’s decision to authorize the slaughter of stray goats

And to question the prefect: “Rather than choosing to slaughter, I urge you to prioritize the capture of these animals. It is essential that state representatives develop non-lethal reflexes when faced with such situations. I doubt that President Macron or Prime Minister Barnier will approve a decision that goes against the expectations of the French, 80% of whom are calling for better protection of animals, as many opinion polls show. When the will is there, solutions exist. Moreover, several shelters have already offered to take in these goats. I am at your disposal to meet with you and discuss responsible solutions aimed at protecting both humans and animals.” To be continued, as the felling permit runs until September 30.



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