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when the repentant thief apologizes in a letter many years later

when the repentant thief apologizes in a letter many years later
when the repentant thief apologizes in a letter many years later

A tobacconist in Uzès, in the , received an anonymous letter from a man who admitted to having stolen a handful of sweets from his establishment when he was a child. Filled with remorse, the former “criminal” slipped a 50 euro note into it as compensation.

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I thought it was a hoax”… This is what Alexandre Goncalves De Oliveira confided to our France 3 Pays Gardois team when he received the letter of apology. The man confesses to having stolen a handful of sweets from his establishment. Initially skeptical, the tobacconist doubted the sincerity of the letter, but since it was accompanied by a 50 euro note, he decided to take things with humor.50 euro hoaxes are good news, let’s hope they last!

The information, first relayed on social networks, was then taken up by our colleagues at France Bleu Gard Lozère.


A tobacconist receives a letter of apology accompanied by 50 euros from a man who, as a child, stole sweets from him.

© FTV/D.Iberrakene

Now, Alexandre wonders about the identity of this anonymous person and the reason for this act, because he has seen dozens of sweets stolen from his establishment. The letter does not mention a name or date that would allow the author to be identified. On several occasions, he has surprised children stealing sweets.

When I catch a kid who has taken a candy, I tell him not to do it again, that it is not good. Maybe he wanted to reiterate this life lesson today.

Alexandre Goncalves De Oliveira


If he finds the author of the letter, Alexandre de Goncalves De Oliveira is ready to offer him sweets, because this step has deeply moved him.I would like to offer you my deepest and most sincere apologies.“, we can read on the letter of the author of the petty theft. Feeling remorse for such a meager loot is indeed rare.

I hope it’s not remorse related to more serious worries. Remorse for candy is a lot. Only he knows the real explanation.

Alexandre de Goncalves De Oliveira


In the end, the 50 euro note allowed the tobacconist’s three daughters to buy themselves some sweets. Alexandre de Goncalves De Oliveira hopes to find the author of this letter and hopes that this type of initiative will be repeated, as much as possible, by those who commit petty theft.

Written with Dalila Iberrakene.



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