Near the lake side entrance to the Médialudo game library section there is a small, friendly and colorful space, equipped with a beautiful TV and a sofa. Cupboards contain the equipment to satisfy a passion: video games. Members, from 6 years old, can play Wednesday and Saturday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. for a maximum of one hour, Mario kart, a game that is easy to learn and above all meets 2 constraints: be playable by 4 players simultaneously and be classified “PEGI 3”, watchable from 3 years old. And once a quarter, Médialudo offers a gaming workshop.
“We normally organize 4 per year,” explains a game librarian, “but we are going to try to have 6 this year with several in May/June. These workshops are popular because they complete our year-round on-site game offering on Mario Kart intended for a young and family audience who are discovering video games. Gaming events, more aimed at adolescents, allow them to discover games that are a little more advanced, take a long time to learn, and are a little more adult in content. These are sometimes little-known independent games that we want to introduce them to, in a small group, in a dedicated room at the back of the youth area, nicely named small lounge, around cutting-edge consoles: PS 4, PS 5 and Switch 4 per console. , 12 players are possible simultaneously. It’s a special moment with young people because they are captive around a product that interests them. We therefore have our regulars who come quite often to discover a video game that is off the beaten track. “
The next workshop will be held Wednesday January 29 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. around the game Ultimate Chicken Horse.
“With 3 other friends we created a game level by placing a bunch of more or less eccentric traps, hoping that the opponents fall into them to be the first to reach the end of the level. A small independent game, available on all You can’t find it commercially but you can download it online for a few euros. Since its release, around 2 years ago, this festive game has been promoted by YouTubers that young people know.