January 20, 2025 marks a date marked with sadness for the Seck family. A year ago, Ndeye Fatou Diouf Diaga, wife of Thioune Seck and mother of Senegalese singer Wally Seck, left this world, leaving behind an immense void for her loved ones and many Senegalese people.
On social networks, notably Instagram, Alioune Seck, son of the deceased, shared a poignant message in honor of his missing mother. This moving testimony reflects the still strong pain felt by the family in the face of this inestimable loss.
Diaga’s disappearance was a shock to those close to him and continues to weigh heavily on their hearts. With each mention of their late mother, the pain is rekindled, highlighting the deep sorrow that animates the artist’s family.
We learned of this moving information via the website of our colleagues at Kawtef, which reminds us how much this loss has upset the Secks and their community. May peace accompany Diaga’s soul.