The price of registration cards, essentially made up of the regional tax on registrations decided by each region, is increasing sharply in eight regions this year. Breton drivers will not escape this increase, which makes Brittany the most expensive region in France with Normandy.
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On February 1, Breton motorists who are going to purchase a vehicle will have to put a little more money into their wallets to be able to avoid paying for the registration document. Because this administrative sesame, obligatory to be able to travel, will increase significantly, going from €55 to €60 per tax horse. An increase of 9%. It had increased from €51 to €55 in May 2023.
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With this price of 60 €, the Brittany region chooses to apply the ceiling authorized at the national level, knowing that Michel Barnier's budget was to raise it to 65 euros, to allow the regions to partly compensate for the savings requested of them.
With €60 per horse tax, Brittany becomes the most expensive region in France with Normandy for obtaining a registration document.
-Thus, in 2025, the regional tax amounts to 420 euros in Brittany for a 7 HP car compared to 253 euros in Hauts-de-France.
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Brittany is not the only one to apply this increase. Seven other regions are changing their prices this year with increases of up to 59% for Corsica.
Normandy increased this tax from €46 to €60 per taxable horse on January 1, 2025 (+30.4%) after increasing it from €35 to €46 on January 1, 2024, or +71% in 2 years.
The price of the tax horse also increased from €55 to €60 in the Centre-Val de Loire region, from €51.20 to €59 in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, from €45 to €53 in Nouvelle-Aquitaine (+17 .7%) and from €27 to €43 in Corsica (+59%), lists the official website.
On February 1, 2025, the tax will increase from €48 to €60 in the Grand Est region (+25%) and from €51 to €57 in Reunion. In other regions, it remained stable, from €30 in Martinique to €54.95 in Ile-de-France.
On average in France, the increase in this tax amounts to 11%. Electric cars are exempt.
This tax brought in around 2 billion euros to the regions in 2023, according to the Régions de France (RdF) association, or 7 to 8% of the regions' resources. But it is in structural decline due to the increase in sales of electric cars (exempts of this tax) and the reduction in those of thermal cars. In 2020, it reached 2.3 billion euros.
The regions' finances are in the red, while the Barnier budget provided for 1.3 billion savings on their expenses. The Régions de France association therefore asks that the regions be able to “adjust the exemption for electric cars if they wish”.