Delicate subject to start the year? I agree. But the issue of the Bedford school, in Montreal, tormented me throughout the holiday season.
Published at 7:00 a.m.
I thought a lot about the intolerable actions of rigid Muslim teachers and parents who created a toxic climate in this public, and therefore secular, educational establishment.
And this, on the grounds that portions of the school curriculum and certain activities contravened the values of the Muslim religion. These people allegedly used intimidation against school management and fellow teachers to impose their own ways of doing things and thinking.
This episode of clash of values came to me, probably because the regional Quebecer that I am, a native of Roberval, felt like a cultural failure.
I have always hesitated to write on the question of our relations with the Muslims of Quebec. Probably out of modesty, telling myself that I did not want my words to be misinterpreted by those with whom I lived and mourned the tragic event of the massacre at the great mosque of Quebec.
I wish to maintain these fraternal relations, of course, but not to the point of ignoring a social problem which could grow incredibly, and of which Quebec Muslims themselves will be the first collateral victims.
If there is one thing I am convinced of, it is that our Muslim fellow citizens, throughout Quebec, wish to live here in peace and serenity, and without alienating themselves and losing the values specific to their culture.
Thus, for the most part, they live their Muslim faith soberly, without imposing it on anyone. Some are more conservative, others have no practice, and how many times have I heard these fellow citizens express their happiness at evolving in a society where no religious oppression exists, in comparison, for some, with their original environment. They view their faith as personal and not militant.
They shame the violent behavior of Islamist terrorist groups who kill in the name of their god Allah, and who claim to find the justification for their cruelty in interpretations of the Koran.
And let’s be honest, our compatriots of the Muslim faith are suffering the consequences of a totally unfair reputational amalgamation due to the action of criminals or the illuminations of all the extremist imams of this world.
If it is true that the Prophet said that “the ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyrs”, we can deduce that the house imams who advise these assassins are apocrypha, specialists in the art of stitching and the manipulation in their favor of arguments coming from this great book which is authoritative on Islam.
Those who love history have already read about the historical and exceptional contribution of Arab-Muslim civilization to science, culture, philosophy, etc., but also as vector of transmission of ancient Greek knowledge, for example.
And there is no need to avoid the subject and let us admit that veiled women in Quebec are exceptions. I am not a fan of this practice which I consider to be a political and demeaning gesture for them.
But on the other hand, does it concern me? Objectively, no, not really my business, but I am entitled to my opinions.
And besides, I once saw my mother keep her kerchief in church, out of deference, which was another era. We will perhaps talk about the hijab in this way in Quebec in a few years, with subsequent generations dropping these habits and customs over time.
Before friends who wish me well remind me of it on social networks, yes, I have already told an anecdote where, while visiting Copenhagen, on a stiflingly hot day, I felt like “tearing off the head” of a guy dressed in shorts, a t-shirt and flip-flops, whose partner was completely covered, from head to toe, in a burqa, including gloves that went up to her elbows .
The image of this couple was completely revolting to me, but I could, once again, have expressed myself differently and done less of what I call “Labeaume”.
On the other hand, I will always remember this dinner conference on immigration, in Quebec when I was mayor, where two magnificent and very brilliant young women of Muslim faith came to speak to me and thank me for our work in resolving the problem. file of the Muslim cemetery in our city.
I was treated to their hugs. Just for this, you want to continue doing the job!
I did not know their level of piety, but they visibly possessed, at least, a religious sensitivity, and I was dealing with two modern Quebec women who took complete responsibility for themselves.
I remember remarking that this was also the Muslim community in Quebec, and that everyone should know it.
That’s it, and I’ll get back to you soon.
Between us
Well, Trump is now almost back in the White House and the federal liberals are up to their ears in turmoil. Let’s still wish everyone a happy new year…
In my holiday reading, I discovered a gem, literally! By a Quebecer, Guillaume Lavallée: Gaza before the 7th – Diaries of a siege. Essential for those interested in the Palestinian question, to discover Gaza from the inside. The seed of international success in my opinion, at least throughout the French-speaking world. And it seems to me that it deserves a translation, although it would be difficult to translate this luminous and almost poetic writing. Well done, Guillaume Lavallée!
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