The Toulouse Photo Club returned to school, after two weeks of vacation, the only ones of the year until June, because several events are scheduled for the months to come. Indeed, the association exhibits during the Pau i treva festival in May; in interclubs at the Perpignan hospital; during the Off festival in the newspaper hall The Independent ; at full size, in Clairfont Park and in front of the Citizen’s House, even in the physiotherapy office at Naturopole.
For Gines Belmonte, the president of the association, taking photos during the Toulouges festivities is a reflex (digital) for a long time. Encouraged to share his passion, the Toulougian created the club in October 2015.
Sharing is their motto: on this day, sharing the galette des Rois, once a month for going out and practicing outdoors, sharing the picnic and every Monday from October to June, the most experienced transmit their knowledge. Here, no competition or podium: “It’s not a competition club”explains Marie Nolin, treasurer of the association: “Different backgrounds come together around a common passion and form a little family”.
We give free rein to our creativity, the same subject can be seen from various angles and the approaches and themes are varied: architecture, traditions from here and elsewhere, alone in the world, through, as well as free themes and, on occasion, birds or bees are also captured.
On the IT and DIY side, the ingenuity of Bruno Levavasseur, one of the seven members of the office, is very useful: he invented a system for attaching and handling the camera for the armchair of Armelle, Brigitte’s daughter Casas, another member of the office. Armelle is happy to be able to participate in the shots. It is a pleasure to share his vision during exhibitions. Thierry Martinez has been a member of the club for 6 years. This former rider, now responsible for a stable where he offers horseback riding, comes from Villeneuve-de-la-Rivière, where he had his first exhibition during the Regards festival.