During the 2025 Golden Globes, Kylie Jenner wore a vintage Versace dress to accompany the nominee (and her boyfriend) Timothée Chalamet. Her silver chain mail, from the atelier’s 1999 collection, was a nod to an unforgettable moment in red carpet history: the same year, Elizabeth Hurley had walked the CDFA carpet on the arm of Hugh Granther boyfriend at the time, in an identical model. More than a quarter of a century after the Briton turned heads with her metallic dress, the American delivered an equally dazzling performance.
Alex Cohen et Grant Ellisvintage purveyors and co-founders of The RealList in Los Angeles, a boutique specializing in high-end Italian archival pieces from the ’90s and early ’80s, confirmed to Vanity Fair that they had found Kylie Jenner’s dress and sent it to the stylists Mackenzie et Alexandra Grandquist.
Cohen and Ellis said they had been working with the Grandquists for about two years and were “super excited and stunned to see [Kylie Jenner] in this dress.”
“We sent them this dress last minute, thinking it would be worn at the Christmas party [des Kardashian-Jenner]given that it was so epic,” they said Monday. When they saw photos of Kylie Jenner next to Timothée Chalamet in the dress at the Globes, they were thrilled. “It doesn’t hurt that she’s a bomb as always,” they said. She looks amazing. »
Another RealList item was also worn at the Golden Globes: the co-creator’s black Versace skirt Hacks, Just Statswhich, coincidentally, was also created in 1999 by the fashion house.
Elizabeth Hurley still has her dress and ‘it’s still perfect’
Elizabeth Hurley apparently still has her dress, a pink version of the design. In 2020, she posted a photo of herself wearing the dress on her Instagram account, as part of a photo project by Harper’s Bazaar during confinement, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.