Monday January 6, the outgoing president of the Hérault Chamber of Agriculture, Jérôme Despey, surrounded by his running mates, launched the Chamber of Agriculture election campaign.
“No empty promises, no populism, but concrete, thoughtful solutions resulting from fierce negotiations“, declares the president of the FDSEA of Hérault, Sophie Nogues by way of launch of the campaign of the outgoing FDSEA – JA list of the Chamber of Agriculture of Hérault, this Monday, January 6 at the Coteaux du Languedoc, in Slats.
Once again led by the outgoing President of the Chamber, Jérôme Despey, the list shows a renewal of just over 33% for all colleges combined (5 in total, Editor's note) and 25% for the college which brings together the heads of exploitation. As during the previous campaign, in 2019, “our list brings together all the agricultural sectors of Hérault, all production models and all territories, unlike the other lists”, underlines the president of the JA, Rémi Dumas.
Mandate review: “We have nothing to be ashamed of what we have done”
Campaign obliges, it is first time to take stock of the outgoing list in charge for six years. Whether on support for structural investments for the wine industry, the declassification of the wolf and the recognition of Mediterranean pastoralism for livestock farming, the crisis plan for the beekeeping industry, the funds obtained for climate losses in arboriculture and viticulture , promotion campaigns for sectors to boost marketing and export, “we worked for all sectors, and none was ever put aside“, defends Céline Michelon, outgoing elected official.
Particularly in the search for aid and subsidies in the face of repeated crises in the sectors. “We have nothing to be ashamed of what we have done. I take responsibility for everything we have been able to get in terms of help, because it allows us to still be here and we will continue to support those who are in difficulty.“, adds Jérôme Despey.
Same convictions on the subjects of water management and climate change, which were also at the center of the concerns of the outgoing list. On the contrary other agricultural unions, the FDSEA and the JA defended, alongside the Department, winter reservoir projects to secure water reserves. Other struggles: the development of sustainable solutions such as the reuse of treated wastewater and obtaining measures to encourage production investments. Finally, on taxation, administrative simplifications, means of production or controls, achievements have also been obtained.
“Regain the means of production”
Faced with the challenges of tomorrow, between climate change and the economic difficulties of agriculture, the objectives remain the same. “Our goal is to restore the means of production. To do this, we are committed to relaunching the income challenge. It is our fight to enable us to live with dignity from our profession and thus ensure the renewal of generations. We must also fight for the preservation of land in order to protect agricultural potential.“, explains Jérôme Despey.
But before taking on these challenges, the first will be to encourage farmers to vote for these elections, the last having reached a participation rate of 38.5%. Insufficient to then have influence in negotiations with the government. To mobilize them, numerous visits to farms village by village are planned, as well as around ten public meetings and a large meeting on January 17, in Béziers. The countdown has begun.
The FDSEA list of college 1: operating managers and similar
1 – Jérôme Despey, winegrower in Saint-Géniès-des-Mourgues
2 – Rémi Dumas, winegrower and sheep breeder in Saint-Géniès-des-Mourgues
3 – Sophie Nogues, winegrower in Sérignan
4 – Jean-Pascal Pelagatti, independent winemaker in Béziers
5 – Fabien Castelbou, winegrower in Cournonterral
6 – Annabelle Decoursière, market gardener in Avène
7 – Cédric Saur, independent winemaker in Cabrerolles
8 – Denis Carretier, winegrower in Olonzac
9 – Céline Michelon, independent winemaker in Villeveyrac
10 – Pierre Colin, winegrower in Pinet
11 – Bérenger Carrier, cereal grower in Saint-Thibéry
12 – Aude Geiger, cattle and sheep breeder in Viols-en-Laval
13 – Alexandre Boudet, winegrower in Saint-Pargoire
14 – Émeric Mas, winegrower in Toussac-la-Billière
15 – Anne-Sophie Belz Barral, winemaker in Vendémian
16 – Patrice Lafont, oyster farmer in Saint-Pargoire
17 – Arnaud Moynier, independent winemaker in Beaulieu
18 – Anne Dubois de Montreynaud, independent winemaker in Vendres
19 – Christophe Thomas, winegrower in Servian
20 – Jean-Marc Ravaille, independent winemaker in Saint-Mathieu-de-Tréveils