This charity concert will provide financial assistance to two health associations which campaign in particular for organ donation. A donation will also be sent to Mayotte, hard hit by a cyclone.
Pieces from around the world
For this new edition, Rotary decided to innovate by offering the first part to the Mandolinata of Tarbes, an association founded by students more than 80 years ago, and which has continued while renewing its repertoire. This mixed choir made up of 25 singers and around fifteen musicians will offer numerous pieces from around the world, accompanied by the sounds of mandolins and guitars.
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The theme will also be followed by the musicians of the Municipal Harmony of Oloron, who will, as always, brilliantly perform the second part of the concert, performing a “musical world tour”: paso doble, mambo, pieces of African influence, film soundtracks and a tribute to soul artist Amy Winehouse are on the program.
Health associations in the spotlight
If this concert is sold out every year, it is also for its charitable dimension. Since the first edition, the Oloron Rotary has strived to help local associations thanks to the profits generated by the concert: food distribution collective, seamstresses bringing comfort to cancer patients, help to disabled people or migrants, the beneficiaries have been numerous over time, highlighting the motto of the service club, “serve first”, as underlined by president Irène Capdeville.
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This time, two health associations will be in the spotlight, with an endowment in favor of the association for the donation of human organs and tissues (Adot), as well as towards the local branch of France Rein Aquitaine, which works to improve the quality of life of people suffering from kidney diseases.
There are still around a hundred places left to reserve at the Leclerc cultural space, to be able to enjoy this show which will combine generosity and musical quality. Please note, even if it is possible to buy your place the same day, it is advisable to arrive early.
A gesture for Mayotte
Recent news, with the passage of Cyclone Chido last December which devastated the island of Mayotte, also pushed the organizers to make an additional gesture to help the Mahorais. Three Rotary clubs are present on the island, the representatives of the Oloron branch got in touch with them to send them a financial grant, which will allow them to best help the people on site. In addition to part of the funds collected thanks to entries for the New Year’s concert, a donation box will be installed in the hall of the Jéliote space this Sunday, to allow those who wish to participate according to their means. .