Golden Globes photographers and guests at the ceremony couldn't miss the gigantic diamond on actress Zendaya's left ring finger (Dune, Challengers). During the awards ceremony held on the night of January 5, 2025, the American actress made her engaged status official. Zendaya and British actor Tom Holland, famous for his incarnation of Spider-Man in the cinema, are a couple since 2021. The two stars met on the set of Spider-Man: Homecoming and since then they have formed one of the most emblematic couples in Hollywood.
According to information from the American media TMZ which interviewed people close to the couple, Tom Holland would have asked Zendaya the famous question between Christmas and New Year. The actor would have gone down on one knee to respect tradition, but he had the delicacy of keeping this romantic moment intimate since the engagement proposal took place in one of Zendaya's family's American residences. A suspended moment between the two actors.
Zendaya appeared with a spectacular engagement ring on the Golden Globes red carpet, causing the amazement of the other guests on site. According to specialists, it is a creation by London jeweler Jessica McCormack and would cost between 120,000 and 200,000 dollars, according to several estimates. The piece is simple: a 5.02-carat east-west stone (spreading the width of the finger) on an unadorned band of white and yellow gold.
For the moment, wedding preparations are not on the agenda for young engaged couples who have busy schedules. Zendaya is expected on the set of Christopher Nolan's next film with Anne Hathaway, Matt Damon and… Tom Holand in 2025.
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