David Hallyday’s rare confidences about his sisters Jade and Joy

David Hallyday’s rare confidences about his sisters Jade and Joy

David Hallyday extends a hand to his younger sisters Jade and Joy. During an interview in the columns of the latest issue of “Gala”, David Hallyday confided in his relationship with his sisters, Jade and Joy opening the door to reconciliation for them.

In December 2023, in the show “Sept à Huit”, Johnny Hallyday’s two daughters had made their disappointment with the behavior of the two eldest children in the family, Laura and David, clear. They declared: “They [Laura et David N.D.L.R.] said horrible things about our mother, lies. They created stories about our mother, very very painful things. It’s sad, we could have had an even stronger bond, become closer, be united. But no, that wasn’t the case.” To which David Hallyday retorted this Thursday, September 12 in the columns of “Gala”: “I always told my sisters that I was there if they needed me. And I operated the same way with my children. They know they can count on me.”

Read also: Johnny and Laeticia Hallyday: the story of a passion

Even though David Hallyday is reaching out to his sisters, the singer remains aware that good understanding will not reign anytime soon: “My sisters, they have to live by themselves. Until then, they only know what they have been told. I understand that they are in great suffering, and it is really a shame.”…

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