High school students rewarded for their mini candy business

High school students rewarded for their mini candy business
High school students rewarded for their mini candy business

The Bonbox micro-enterprise, created from scratch during this school year by the first-year Science and Technology of Management and Management (STMG) class from the Giraut-de-Borneil school campus, s&rsquo…

The Bonbox micro-enterprise, created from scratch during this school year by the first year Sciences and Technologies of Management and Management (STMG) class of the Giraut-de-Borneil school campus, has proven to be a success. Supervised by their teachers Ms. Delarue and Mr. Wecxsteen, supported by their mentors Mr. Grandchamp and Mr. Sutour, and in partnership with the Entrepreneurship for Learning (EPA) association, the 17 high school students were able to develop their mini-candy business. childhood, masterfully. Production, communication, finances and distribution, nothing has been left to chance. The students salute all the actors who supported them in this project.

A winning bet

On May 23, the class of entrepreneurs went to the Palais des congrès du Futuroscope in Poitiers to take part in the mini-business festival. A winning bet because Bonbox won first prize in the high school category, against 56 other participants from all over the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. “We sometimes had to work overtime, but our project was an incredible experience. It taught us a lot of things,” proudly recount the young regional winners. This victory allowed them to secure a place in the national competition held in Paris on June 6. An enriching experience on a professional and human level since they decided to share their winnings with the Phoenix association which works in Excideuil for mental health. On Tuesday, June 11, a delegation from this association was invited to the school complex to receive a donation of 200 euros from the high school students: “They demonstrate an open-mindedness, tolerance and solidarity that we adults should take inspiration from!” A thousand thanks and a big congratulations for this magnificent gesture!” An ambitious project crowned with a success of which the high school students and their supervisors can be proud.

Marie (Deputy CEO) and Lily (CEO) of the mini-company Bonbox

Alba for many



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