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Sophie Marceau and Christophe Willem sing a duet… Élodie Gossuin enjoys a “crazy” week with family…

July 1, 2024

Kiefer Sutherland didn’t know his father, Donald Sutherland, well until he was 15. Sutherland and Donald Sutherland shared only a last name and a few rare moments together during the star’s first 15 years 24 Hours Chrono. At least that’s what the 57-year-old actor, born in London, recently revealed to Sunday Times about his father, who died two weeks earlier.

“My parents separated when I was three and my mother, sister and I moved to Canada. I didn’t live with my father. I saw him at Christmas and for a few weeks in the summer,” he explained. Genetics, however, got the better of their distance as he followed the same path as his father.

Sophie Marceau joins Christophe Willem on stage for the 30th anniversary of the Arc-en-ciel association

Élodie Gossuin documents a “crazy week” with her whole family

Élodie Gossuin shared yesterday on Instagram photos of her “crazy week” with her family, punctuated by “filming, marriage, and 4,000 km of travel (and voting)”. The former Miss France posted a string of selfies with her friends, her children, her husband and photos of herself in situations well known to travelers, such as slumped on a train or with a last-minute snack in her mouth.

Among this cocktail of summer images, the former beauty queen and columnist also filmed and photographed herself, in full color, doing the hula hoop or posing with pool floats.



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