Feria de Boujan: Nino Julian triumphant in a major Feria de Boujan for the second year

Feria de Boujan: Nino Julian triumphant in a major Feria de Boujan for the second year
Feria de Boujan: Nino Julian triumphant in a major Feria de Boujan for the second year

A serious and quality lot from Guadaira concluded a particularly successful Act VIII of “Toros y Campo”. Nino Julian cut off three ears and emerged as the triumphant of the Feria de novilladas as in 2023. Mario Navas and Samuel Navalon also obtained a trophy.

The challenge of evolving the philosophy of the Feria de Boujan was a total success with a novillada stitched with Torist accents and another of Domecq origins. Indeed, “Toros y Campo” did not deny its philosophy because all the novillos who set foot on the Ruedo Béziers were of impeccable presentation and a seriousness worthy of a first category arena. Especially since the organizers had a lucky hand in their selections at the campo because the percentage of bulls “who served” turned out to be high for Valverde as well as Turquay, Roland Durand and Guadaira.

Grand cru 2 024 from «Toros y Campo»

The batch of Guadaira novillos for the closing novillada maintained the dynamic of this 2024 edition. Six brave men with an imposing and well-armed trapio, several of whom returned from the Madrid corrals in the batch planned for the San Isidro. All showed nobility, class and substance during the three tercios even if the behavior on the spades remained discreet. Aficionados will only regret the qualities of the 2ewho broke a horn while hitting a burladero, and the last, suffering from a handicap in his legs, could not achieve an even more resounding success.

Although most of the novilleros failed to exploit the potential of the brave Turquay and Valverde in the opening race, the three matadors came together in unison in this closing race.

Mario Navas got the first ear of the race against the opening bull. His suave bullfighting with slow-motion passes on the left horn allowed him to take advantage of the nobility of the Guadaira while sparing his limited strength. Despite a failure in the sword, the presidency awarded him a trophy. The Spaniard performed in the same way, this time on the left bank, against a collaborating bull but lacking in transmission. But a very average sword did not allow him to increase his spoils.

Three ears for Nino Julian

Nino Julian was announced as making significant progress with the muleta because the Nîmes native is known for his variety and ease with the cape and banderillas. Faced with his Guadaira, the winner of the 2023 edition of the Feria confirmed on the pillars of his bullfighting and shone with the cape and during the two tercios of banderillas. But, the French hope convinced with muleta in hand in two different registers. The sobrero of Valverde, who came to replace the Guadaira who broke a horn, was a very complicated and dangerous bull who showed violence in his attacks and squeezed the novillero on the left horn.

The series of natural snatches demonstrated all its power to gain the upper hand in the face of an animal in permanent danger. After a total commitment to the sword, Nino Julian collected a first ear. He then touched a Guadaira of exceptional class and nobility in the last tercio. The Nîmes left him a lot of distance to highlight his readiness and his gallop with four series of great intensity on both sides. A moment that will mark his young career because the novillero manages to completely relax and abandon himself. At the end, he continued his recital by closing the distances before concluding with a blow of total sincerity. Two undeniable ears fell from the palco who was heavily whistled for having refused a posthumous vuelta to this great novillo. A decision certainly motivated by the discreet tercio of spades of Guadaira.

Samuel Navalon unlucky against the last novillo

Finally, Samuel Navalon was expected to be one of the star novilleros of the moment after his performances in Nîmes, Arles, Madrid, Seville and Valencia. The public was not disappointed as his bullfighting exudes class, toreria and classicism. His first faena with perfect placements to quote the toro and great depth and slowness in each of his passes, would have deserved a second ear without two failures with the steels.

His last novillo suffered from a motor disability but his technique and gentleness allowed him to invent a nurse’s faena even if the connection was impossible with the public.

La fiche de la bullfight de clôture

2/3 entrée.

Steers of Guadaira. Valverde’s 2bis.

Mario Navas : ear after notice and greeting.

Nino Julian : ear and two ears.

Samuel Navalon : ear and greeting after notice.



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