Hellfest 2024. Shaka Ponk: a UFO with metal in it

Hellfest 2024. Shaka Ponk: a UFO with metal in it
Hellfest 2024. Shaka Ponk: a UFO with metal in it


Franck Hermel

Published on

June 28, 2024 at 10:16 a.m.

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Does Shaka Ponk have his place in a metal festival ? From the announcement of the programming of French rock grouprather accustomed to others less typical festivals (Eurockéennes, Solidays, Vieilles Charrues, Poupet…), at Hellfesteveryone has their own comment. Between the purists of the metal scene who are offended by it and those who appreciate this devastating dose of energy which is the soul of programming, There is bound to be debate.

Created in 2002Shaka Ponk will, thanks to this merger, be made a place on the French scene : three albums noted in their first decade of existence including the 3rd marked by the arrival in the group of Samaha Sam who will now share vocals with Frah, a first Taratata in 2009a tour that brings together a million peoplea Music victory in 2013.. the success East spectacular.

Impossible to label.

But the French group is the typical example of one which is impossible to label. Rock? Metal? Funk? Rap? Electro? All and none of these at the same time. His music is a cocktail of styles, of rhythms, of sounds. It’s called crossbreeding. and metal music lends itself wonderfully to it.

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After twenty years of tribulationsof experiments, of emotions, the tribe however decided to hang up the mics. Those who love must take advantage of this opportunity, enjoy this supercharged cocktail. Those who do not do not know have every interest in living, at least once, this experience.

Maistage 2, Friday June 28, at 10 p.m., Shaka Ponk.

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