Trial of Pierre Palmade: “I'm going to take 3 doses of cocaine, it'll wake me up”, in court, the comedian returned to his “chemsex” evening before the tragedy

Trial of Pierre Palmade: “I'm going to take 3 doses of cocaine, it'll wake me up”, in court, the comedian returned to his “chemsex” evening before the tragedy
Trial of Pierre Palmade: “I'm going to take 3 doses of cocaine, it'll wake me up”, in court, the comedian returned to his “chemsex” evening before the tragedy

On February 10, 2023, a major traffic accident involving Pierre Palmade took place in Villiers-en-Bière, a village south of (Seine-et-). Almost two years after the events, the comedian's trial opened at the Melun court this Wednesday, November 20.

He appeared diminished in front of the eyes of the cameras. This Wednesday, November 20, Pierre Palmade appeared in court to answer for the facts of unintentional injuries, aggravated by the use of drugs, after the traffic accident which took place twenty-one months ago, in Villiers-en-Bière, a village south of Melun (Seine-et-Marne), November 10, 2023.

In this case, a 27-year-old woman, six months pregnant at the time of the incident, lost the child she was carrying.

But while the victims of this tragedy were heard in the morning, the comedian only spoke at the beginning of the afternoon. The opportunity for him to apologize to the family and to return to his addictions and the “chemsex” evening in which he participated just before the accident.

According to RMC, present at the hearing, the comedian summarized this famous evening as taking drugs, having sexual relations and would have spent nearly three days without sleeping. “Then I said to myself: I’m going to take 3 doses of cocaine, it’s going to wake me up. And I got behind the wheel,” he confided.

He then explains that he woke up in the hospital facing his sister. “They told me about the tragedy, they told me 'car accident', 'manslaughter'. It took me several days to realize that I had done something very serious, I was in hell”, he adds.

“I am dangerous on drugs”

In court, Pierre Palmade admits that he is “dangerous on drugs, I know that now” after being strongly questioned by the president of the court, report our colleagues present on site. “But why didn't you have a trigger before taking the car? You were drugged, without sleeping for 3 days. If you had had this trigger, you wouldn't be there Mr. Palmade! You really don't remember anything?” , he told her.

“I was haggard, vulnerable, in relapse. I apologize and understand that this outing seems scandalous and indecent […] This disease of addiction is much stronger than will and intelligence. Willpower is not enough to stop using drugs.” replies Pierre Palmade.



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