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“The Barman at the Ritz”, “Elisabeth”, “Marxism is a humanism”…


This week, beauty is bizarre, with a new edition of the complete works of Baudelaire in “La Pléiade”; he is also spiritual alongside Elisabeth, heroine of Raymonde Vincent (1908-1985), in search of a double reality; let us also cultivate our garden by philosophizing to rediscover how words are actions with a new edition of When saying is doing, by the philosopher John Langshaw Austin (1911-1960), or the genesis of humanist Marxism, traced by Stéphanie Roza. Philippe Collin, for his part, is writing a novel about the Occupation, telling the story of Frank Meier (1884-1947), the greatest bartender in the world.

CLASSIC. “Complete Works”, by Charles Baudelaire

With Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867), the last word can never be pronounced, so disconcerting is his reading, including in this new edition, the third, of Complete Works of the poet who appears in “La Pléiade”, under the direction of two 19th century specialistse century, André Guyaux and Andrea Schellino. If the Baudelairian corpus established by Eugène Crépet (1827-1892), publisher and admirer of the author of Flowers of Evil from the end of the 19th centurye century, remains unchanged, the bias of the new edition offer to the amateur a refreshed look at a work that is read today throughout the world.

This time the editors have opted for a classification not by genre (poems, critical essays, etc.) but strictly chronological. This choice helps to highlight the coherence and work of the writer. Lyrical pieces alternate with criticism allowing the work to be understood as a whole. A beacon of late romanticism, Baudelaire rejected the utopianism specific to the revolution of 1848, in which he nevertheless took part. He convulses in the face of the forward march of a democracy no more habitable for the poet than for the great writer. However, this supporter of aristocracy and the death penalty is not always where we expect him to be.. These two volumes of “La Pléiade” show it: anti-modern or poet condemned for immorality, Baudelaire is always « bizarre » with genius. N. W.

” Complete Works. Volumes I and II”, by Charles Baudelaire, published under the direction of André Guyaux and Andrea Schellino, Gallimard, “Bibliotheque de la Pléiade”, 1,760 p. and 1,792 p., €75 each.

NOVEL. “The Barman at the Ritz”, by Philippe Collin

Among the qualities of a palace bartender, there is, in addition to the essential know-how “mixological”, the science of listening and that of remaining silent. Without forgetting the questions of precedence, and the composure of a diplomat to manage delicate situations – the drunkenness of a distinguished guest, the enmity between regulars… Frank Meier demonstrated so much of both at New York then to Paris, where he created the bar at the Ritz Hotel, from which he acquired the reputation of the best bartender in the world.

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