Julien Doré announces a new cover album and a duet with a great American actress

Julien Doré announces a new cover album and a duet with a great American actress
Julien Doré announces a new cover album and a duet with a great American actress

Julien Doré announced on Sunday June 23 the upcoming release of “Imposter”, his sixth opus composed entirely of covers. Three duets, including one with a major international star, will appear on this unique and eclectic album.

Good news for all Julien Doré fans! Four years after the release ofAimeethe singer is preparing to make his comeback with Impostora sixth album unlike any other since it will only be composed of covers.

Covers of Kendji, Naps and Dalida

A huge playground for the singer who had a lot of fun in the studio… From Kendji to Naps via William Sheller and Dalida, Julien Doré set no limits for himself. And he obviously wanted to resume Hi…Lolita by Alizée, the song that revealed him to the general public during his time in the New star.

Julien Doré chose to reinterpret the French hits that made him dance and even cry. To build this totally crazy project, the singer exchanged a lot with K. Maro, the L5 and Isabelle Adjani and told them “how present they are in the history of her memories”, we can read in a press release.

No nostalgia but a “back to the future”

Julien Doré does not want to indulge in any nostalgia. This opus is for him a “return to the future, where as long as there are songs, where as long as we have the right to sing them, something in us will not die”, assures the artist.

Three duets will appear on this album: Julien Doré will sing A happy man with Francis Cabrel, It will be because I love you with Hélène Ségara, et Words, words with…Sharon Stone! The 41-year-old singer always knows how to surround himself well… In 2016, he invited another star, Pamela Anderson, to dance with him in the video for his hit Lake.



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