Pamiers: mangas, breakdance and comics for a mind-blowing edition of Partir en livre

Pamiers: mangas, breakdance and comics for a mind-blowing edition of Partir en livre
Pamiers: mangas, breakdance and comics for a mind-blowing edition of Partir en livre

the essential
Storytelling shows, breakdancing or manga drawing workshops, motor skills workshops and board games: the 2024 edition of Partir en livre is deliberately geared towards young people. It is also an opportunity to raise awareness of the region’s eight media libraries.

“Sports and games” is the theme chosen for this 2024 edition of “Partir en livre”, deliberately geared towards young people, with program elements directly aimed at them: storytelling shows, breakdance or manga workshops, fun reading and pop-up illustration workshop. In charge of carrying out this program are the teams from the region’s eight media libraries (Pamiers, Mazères, Saverdun, Saint-Jean-du-Falga, Les Pujols, Montaut, Saint-Amadou and Escosse), brought together by the bibliopole. of the community of communes of Portes d’Ariège Pyrénées. After Pamiers, this Wednesday, Partir en Livre 2 024 will head towards Mazères (Friday 28), then Saverdun (Saturday 29), Les Pujols (July 3) and Saint-Jean-du-Falga (July 3 and 6).

“Promote the pleasure of reading”

Scheduled by the National Book Center (CNL) at the instigation of the Ministry of Culture, “Partir en Livre” is a national event which promotes the pleasure of reading among young people. Through free events, the organizers invite “readers and non-readers to come and meet all the players in the book chain: librarians, authors, illustrators, book professionals and booksellers will come together to celebrate reading”, explain the organizers. The meeting is set in the media library park, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. “Reading and creativity spaces will give pride of place to the imagination of young and old, so that everyone can express themselves and have fun freely,” they emphasize.

“The opportunity to take media libraries out of their walls”

For the CCPAP reading network, this event is also “an opportunity to take media libraries out of their walls, so that they are more visible”, analyzes the director of the bibliopolis, Barbara Franchi. Throughout the day, two stands will be offered to the public: an Appamean bookstore stand and that of the media library, which will offer the possibility of registering for free and collecting information on the services offered: book loans, of course, but also CDs or DVDs. In total, the media library network now has more than 4,600 regular users.

Make yourself better known

The objective is therefore also to make itself better known, for the network of media libraries in the region. “Too often, we realize that people are hesitant to use our services, or quite simply, they do not know what we offer,” notes Barbara Franchi. The bibliopole manages the access map to the region’s media libraries, which obviously allows you to know the opening hours of the region’s media libraries, but also to search for CDs, DVDs, or books… More surprisingly, tabs allow you to have access to revision programs for the baccalaureate or for the patent, to borrow video games or mangas… Even to watch films, for free.

A thousand shuttles, 33,000 documents concerned

The network also allows you to take advantage of all the catalogs offered by the eight media libraries in the region: an Appamean can thus borrow a book from the Mazères catalog, but without having to travel.”We have counted more than a thousand shuttles between the different media libraries last year, continues Barbara Franchi, for 33,000 documents concerned”, mainly books, but not only. In total, the bibliopole, which centralizes purchases for the eight media libraries in the region, invests €110,000 per year in new acquisitions. “It’s an intercommunal budget,” confirms Barbara Franchi. “It is broken down between the different media libraries in the network, which makes it possible to set priorities.” A publishing success, for example, may result in the purchase of several copies, then made available to all media libraries.



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