South-Gironde. Guinguette atmosphere and Top 14 in this village to celebrate the end of the school year

South-Gironde. Guinguette atmosphere and Top 14 in this village to celebrate the end of the school year
South-Gironde. Guinguette atmosphere and Top 14 in this village to celebrate the end of the school year


Delphine Decourcelle

Published on

June 24, 2024 at 6:02 p.m.

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This is an original and festive way to end the end of the school year! The commune of Aillas, in South-Gironde, is organizing a party atmosphere, with the Top 14 rugby final to be seen on the giant screen. Please note, reservations are already closed!

Here is the party program

The festivities will start in the school courtyard at 4:30 p.m., with an exhibition proposed by the school’s children and teachers (until 6:30 p.m.).

Of many fairground games will be set up: makeup stand and raffle with more than 80 prizes to be won.

We have superb prizes to be won such as amusement park tickets, cinema, swimming pool, theater… restaurant gift cards, Center Parc tickets, vouchers, gourmet boxes, beauty and perfumery boxes, games outdoors… The list is long! We are waiting for you on Friday June 28 from 4:30 p.m. to buy your tickets.

Aillas APE
Videos: currently on -

Around 6:30 p.m., the party will continue with a puppet show by Tand’M.

Guinguette meal and Top 14 final

The evening will begin around 7/7:30 p.m. with a reception, followed by a picnic meal in the guinguette spirit.

Without forgetting the little extra for rugby fans, the parents’ association (APE) has decided to project the Top 14 final on the big screen. Enough to end the end of the school year in style!

Information: 06 74 40 97 36.

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