this little sentence about France Inter which left the plateau unmoved – Closer

this little sentence about France Inter which left the plateau unmoved – Closer
this little sentence about France Inter which left the plateau unmoved – Closer

An earthquake shook France on June 9.

European elections have sacred the triumph of the National Rally. The RN led by Jordan Bardella emerged as the big winner of the vote with more than 32% of the votes. The same evening, Emmanuel Macron informed the French that he dissolved the National Assembly.

This heavy decision shocked the political class. The main parties have put themselves in battle order in order to win parliamentary elections which will take place on Sundays June 30 and July 7, 2024. The major figures of French political life are campaigning in the hope of winning the majority and taking a seat in the Assembly.

The eventful summer of Raphaël Glucksmann

Faced with the RN and the President of the Republic, the left-wing parties signed a sealing agreement the creation of the new Popular Front. Opposition leaders, however, do not all agree on the political personality to be
appoint prime minister in the event of election to the legislative elections.

A recent Opinionways survey commissioned by The echoes
indicates that 25% of French people believe that
Raphaël Glucksmann would be “the best Prime Minister”
of the New Popular Front. The summer does not promise to be easy for the MEP. On France Inter this June 24, comedian Matthieu Noël declared with humor that “Raphaël Glucksmann and Léa Salamé had to cut short their vacation in Corsica”

Raphaël Glucksmann at Matignon: what would happen to Léa Salamé?

If Raphaël Glucksmann were to emerge victorious in the new legislative elections at the beginning of July,
Léa Salame could continue to work in the morning of France Inter alongside Nicolas Demorand. However, it should probably not
no longer able to carry out political interviews there.

Since the European campaign, the journalist no longer lends herself to the exercise, which Sonia Devillers now practices. In 2019, she had already done the same for
avoid any suspicion of conflict of interestas she explained at the time.
“This decision is mine in agreement with my management.
It is not a sanction. It was I who took the initiative to speak frankly about it with my bosses with whom I had the chance to discuss at length and freely.”
declared Raphaël Glucksmann’s partner last March on France Inter.



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