Raphaël opens up about the birth of his third child with Mélanie Thierry, “I push open doors but…” – Closer

Raphaël opens up about the birth of his third child with Mélanie Thierry, “I push open doors but…” – Closer
Raphaël opens up about the birth of his third child with Mélanie Thierry, “I push open doors but…” – Closer

Never two without three… This is what Raphaël and Mélanie Thierry had in mind when they became parents for the third time. After Roman and Alyosha, the 42-year-old actress gave birth to a third boy in May last. And the least we can say is that Raphaël is totally gaga about it. “That’s wonderful !“, he proclaims in the columns of Version Femina
this Sunday June 23.

A little man that this daddy never tire of watching it evolve, grow little by little. “It’s joyful to have a baby, we forget how miniature, precious, fragile it is“, he marvels. And adds: “In one year, I painfully gave birth to a few songs and Mélanie made a kind of perfectionthis is completely crazy !

Raphael “admire” his sons

The 48-year-old singer has no words strong enough to describe his immeasurable joy. “I kick open doors, but I can’t get enough ofadmire all this life !“, he admits. And continues: “Newborns refer to things so distant, so deep, we have the impression that they come from the depths of the universe. It’s dazzling.

However, Raphaël does not forget his two big boys. He is a complete fan of them too. “My first two sons, aged 15 and 10, are like examples
In my opinion. I admire them, I like their spirit, the way they perceive the world, their tenderness, their humor“, he confides. Nevertheless, to create, Raphaël sometimes needs to leave the cozy nest of his family home.

These moments when Raphaël leaves the family home

“When we write novels and songs, we also have another existence,” he justifies himself. And to reveal: “I have a little place, outside my housewhere I work.“A small space that he describes as”monk’s cell“. It must be said that this one is rather Spartan. Simply composed of a “window, a table, a guitar, a small keyboard, a computer and a bonsai“, Raphaël manages to stay focused. Not to be distracted by his environment. “I need this ascetic place to concentrate“, he confirms. He who has “a lot of chance” is therefore living his dream life. Between music and love of his family, starting with that of his wife and their three sons.



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