Justin Timberlake arrested by ‘Sag Harbor Nazi,’ Hamptons residents say

Justin Timberlake arrested by ‘Sag Harbor Nazi,’ Hamptons residents say
Justin Timberlake arrested by ‘Sag Harbor Nazi,’ Hamptons residents say

The young police officer who arrested Justin Timberlake for drunk driving does not have such a good reputation in Sag Harbor, this small chic town in the Hamptons… He is known there for enforcing the road safety code a little too strictly.

The popular singer would therefore not be the only one to have had trouble with the young recruit for three months. Officer Michael Arkinson, 23, was nicknamed the “Sag Harbor Nazi” or the “little red-haired bastard” by residents of the small town, the Daily Mail.

In an interview with the British media, a writer from Shelter Island named Spencer recounted his unpleasant encounter with the police officer while trying to find parking to go to dinner with a friend.

As the man made a quick U-turn, Officer Arkinson rushed to intercept him.

“I was surprised he stopped me. It was off season and there was no one around. It was really a blow [salaud]. I felt like he arrested me just for the sake of it,” he said, adding that this time he got away with just a warning.

The second time he dealt with the young policeman, Spencer was not so lucky. He was caught with his phone in his hand and Arkinson was indifferent to his explanation, giving him a $145 ticket.

“I think Justin Timberlake was a victim [de ce] overly aggressive Sag Harbor police officer,” the writer pointed out.



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