Bastien Vivès announces an already controversial comic strip, “The truth about the Vivès affair”

Bastien Vivès announces an already controversial comic strip, “The truth about the Vivès affair”
Bastien Vivès announces an already controversial comic strip, “The truth about the Vivès affair”
JOEL SAGET / AFP via Getty Images Bastien Vivès, here in August 2021, in Paris.

JOEL SAGET / AFP via Getty Images

Bastien Vivès, here in August 2021, in Paris.

COMICS – Bastien Vivès returns to bookstores. The author will publish with a publisher launched on this occasion a satirical comic strip on his current affair with the justice system, he who is accused of complacency with regard to child pornography, indicated this publishing house to the AFP, this Friday June 21.

The author of Little Paul or The Taste of Chlorine has become the target of virulent criticism after works that mix minors and pornography. A preliminary investigation by the Nanterre public prosecutor’s office, for the dissemination of child pornography images, has been open since the beginning of 2023.

The author denies being a fan or promoter of child pornography. The Truth about the Vivès affair, his comic book to be published on October 16, returns in a satirical manner to the affair. It presents the designer as participating in “a compulsory anti-pedophilia course”, but fictional. Excerpts were published this Thursday on the weekly’s website Point.

The publisher will be Charlotte Éditions, created at the same time as a new comics magazine, Charlotte Mensuel. “Bastien’s usual publishers refused the album given the current context. I’m not throwing stones at them, because it’s difficult to deal with seeing your premises tagged”, explained to AFP the promoter of Charlotte Mensuel, Vincent Bernière. He was referring to offensive inscriptions painted on the facade of Casterman in November 2022, targeting Bastien Vivès.

Casterman denies

The main publisher of Bastien Vivès, Casterman, indicated on the contrary that he had never been involved in the project. “Casterman is the publisher of Bastien Vivès’ graphic novels and remains so. At no time was there any question of publishing this album, which is different from our catalog”, a spokesperson told AFP. The author is working on a new comedy series, Honeymoonthe first volume of which is scheduled for Casterman in 2025.

Charlotte Monthly is due to be launched on newsstands on September 29, after a successful fundraising campaign on the Kickstarter platform. It promises, among other things, unpublished poems by Michel Houellebecq, illustrated by Louis Paillard, who had adapted the novel into a comic book. The Map and the Territory.

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