A sculpture cut with a grinder on the Arcachon basin a week after its installation

A sculpture cut with a grinder on the Arcachon basin a week after its installation
A sculpture cut with a grinder on the Arcachon basin a week after its installation


Juliette Cardinale

Published on

June 21, 2024 at 12:03 p.m.

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The bouquet of sunflowers bloomed about a week ago in the town of Lège-Cap-Ferret. However, Bruno Bossut’s sculpture was cut with a grinder on the night of June 19 to 20, 2024.

Installed on the side of the road in Claouey, the work “Vincent, Willy and I” was inaugurated on June 15, ahead of an exhibition of the visual artist. She was loaned by Bruno Bossut until mid-September.

“We will never silence artists,” the town hall said on its Facebook page.

NOTHING can justify the wanton destruction of an artist’s work. By exhibiting this work, the town renews its unwavering commitment to access to culture for all, all year round and across the entire peninsula.

Town of Lège-Cap-Ferret

“I am deeply shocked by such actions,” said Mayor Philippe de Gonneville. The City has also announced that it will file a complaint against the perpetrators of the vandalism.

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“Art in danger or how to settle accounts with a municipality. » The artist reshared the municipality’s publication and stated in a comment: “They will grow back I’m sure of it. »

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