Reading meeting with Sylvain Prudhomme, Femina Prize 2019

Reading meeting with Sylvain Prudhomme, Femina Prize 2019
Reading meeting with Sylvain Prudhomme, Femina Prize 2019


The Media Library of Grand Narbonne, the Maison des Arts de Bages and the Libellis bookstore in Narbonne are organizing an enriching meeting around literature and photography.
Sylvain Prudhomme, author of numerous novels and reports often set in contemporary Africa, will present a series of texts written last spring on the Bages pond. These texts are linked to Elger Esser’s photography exhibitionthe opening of which will be held the same day from 6:30 p.m. at the Maison des Arts in Bages.

About Sylvain Prudhomme
Born in 1979 in La Seyne-sur-Mer, Sylvain Prudhomme spent his childhood between Cameroon, Burundi, Niger and Mauritius before continuing his studies in Literature in Paris. His literary career is marked by an in-depth exploration of the cultures and stories of Africa, with works such as Tales of the Tammari Country (2003), Les Matinées d’Hercule (2007) and Tanganyka project (2010). French revelation of the year 2014 by LIRE magazine for Les Grands, Sylvain Prudhomme also received the Femina Prize and the Landerneau Readers’ Prize for On the Roads (2019).

At the end of the meeting, a time for discussions and signings will be offered.allowing participants to chat with the author and have their copies of his works signed.
Free admission, limited seating available.

Bages House of Arts
04 68 42 81 76 / 07 50 56 34 33

Greater Narbonne Media Library
04 68 43 40 40
media librarylegrandnarbonnecom



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