Lyon. They had thrown soup on a painting by Monet: the two students relaxed

Lyon. They had thrown soup on a painting by Monet: the two students relaxed
Lyon. They had thrown soup on a painting by Monet: the two students relaxed

On May 21, Sophie, 23, a Fine Arts student, and Ilona, ​​20, a student in coordination of international and societal development projects, were summoned before the Lyon criminal court for “degradation of cultural property”.

On February 10, these environmental activists threw soup on the board Spring of Monet at the Museum of Fine Arts in Lyon. Members of Riposte Alimentaire, they warn of the ecological emergency and demand in particular the establishment of social security for sustainable food.

“It was a necessity”

During the hearing, the two Lyonnaises explained that they had chosen this painting because it was protected. “We are doing an action that allows us to have media attention. It doesn’t make me happy to have a trial, it’s stressful. It was a necessity, we have very little time left,” Sophie explained.

On the civil side, the Lyon town hall in a letter sent to the court condemned the action and demanded a symbolic euro.

“When in a blind, immature and inconsiderate way, we seek attention to talk about a cause, we damage it, we degrade it and we destroy another: access to art,” insisted the prosecutor of the Republic. He had requested a two-month suspended prison sentence.

The defense had pleaded “the state of necessity and freedom of expression” and “the very relative seriousness” of the damage, the estimate for repairing the frame amounting to 2,200 euros.

The court rendered its decision this Tuesday, June 18: the two students were acquitted. The court considered “that the elements constituting the offense have not been established”.



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