“There is no pressure on the Vieilles Charrues”: Christian Troadec responds to the management of the festival

“There is no pressure on the Vieilles Charrues”: Christian Troadec responds to the management of the festival
“There is no pressure on the Vieilles Charrues”: Christian Troadec responds to the management of the festival

Last Wednesday, Le Télégramme mentioned the observation made at the beginning of last week in Kerampuilh by a justice commissioner mandated by the city. This wanted to note the occupation of the domain by the Festival des Vieilles Charrues, an association which has still not signed the agreement for the occupation of the public domain. Contacted on this subject, Vieilles Charrues initially did not wish to comment on these facts. The association changed its mind on Friday, publishing a press release, where it denounced the visit in force “of a bailiff and the municipal police”. Terms which made the mayor of Carhaix, Christian Troadec, react this Sunday. “Is Jérôme Tréhorel blinded by the Olympic flame that he recently carried or by his bad faith? Doesn’t his desire to constantly drag his association into controversy mask other problems? Still, the only police raid that Kerampuilh will experience will be on July 12, when Sting comes off the stage,” quips the mayor, who assures that the municipal police officer, for his part, is only doing his job by also wearing , if necessary, letters in the name of the town hall.

” No pressure “

The elected official adds that “contrary to what MM. Tréhorel and Martin”, he was unable to make any commitment whatsoever during the meeting organized in Carhaix by the sub-prefect of Châteaulin, since he claims that he did not participate. “It was only a technical and information meeting between the DGS of the city of Carhaix, the director of Charrues and the State, without the presence of any elected official.” Christian Troadec also indicates “that there is no pressure on Vieilles Charrues either: the bailiff’s report was intended only to protect the community in the event of problems on the site”.

“A democratic decision”

Finally, regarding the fee imposed on the festival, “it is the result of a democratic decision of the municipal council dated April 8 and responds to the recommendations of the Regional Chamber of Auditors, which recommended that the town hall put in place a valuation. It will be applied to all users of the site who make more than €500,000 in turnover and has already been accepted by Motocultor and the campervan festival,” he assures, specifying that this money will make it possible to invest in equipment that will be shared (barriers, sanitary facilities, etc.). “Jérôme Tréhorel should be happy about this, since Vieilles Charrues wanted to undertake work on their own. He should rather question the sums that the festival pays without batting an eyelid to the State for the simple presence of the police, which costs the festival hundreds of thousands of euros every year! And there, he finds nothing to complain about. He would almost welcome it. Money that goes to Paris, just like the corporate tax and profits that the festival pays, without any hope of return to Carhaix… and on the other hand, the festival would not pay for water or electricity consumed as well as the hours made available to municipal staff, leaving them the responsibility of the Carhaisian taxpayer, who already has difficulty meeting his own energy bills…? », he asks.



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