Christian Troadec responds to the organizers

Christian Troadec responds to the organizers
Christian Troadec responds to the organizers

New episode in the conflict between the regionalist mayor of Carhaix (Finistère) and the organizers of Vieilles Charrues. Christian Troadec reacted, this Sunday, June 16, 2024, to the comments made by the management of the festival, who was surprised, last Friday, “to have seen the municipal police arrive on the Kerampuilh site, accompanied by a bailiff, on June 10”to note the occupation of the premises, denouncing “a low blow”.

“Les Vieilles Charrues did not sign the agreements”

“There is no pressure on Vieilles Charrues”retorts Christian Troadec, in a press release, recalling that “if there was the presence of a bailiff, it is only due to the fact that the management of Vieilles Charrues did not sign the agreements for the occupation of the public domain”.

Read also : NARRATIVE. The underside of the divorce between Vieilles Charrues and the City of Carhaix

Christian Troadec denies his presence at a crisis meeting

According to the festival organizers, a crisis meeting organized on May 29 resulted in a new agreement which “had to be notified by a new agreement that the organization never received”a deal “which included the fact that the site was even free”.

Christian Troadec denies having taken part in this meeting, organized by the sub-prefect of Châteaulin, who was not than a technical and information meeting […] without the presence of any elected official”.

Read also : “There is fire”: the crisis between Vieilles Charrues and Carhaix concerns local elected officials

And concerning the fee of €367,000 which Vieilles Charrues will have to pay for the rental of the land, “it responds to the recommendations of the Regional Chamber of Accounts” And “is already accepted by Motocultor and the motorhome festival”.

Finally, Christian Troadec questions the amounts paid to the State for the simple presence of the police, which costs the festival hundreds of thousands of euros every year”.



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