Weekend in Essonne at Cocteau’s in Milly-la-Forêt

Weekend in Essonne at Cocteau’s in Milly-la-Forêt
Weekend in Essonne at Cocteau’s in Milly-la-Forêt

Vanessa Zhâ & Olivier Poels
06:57, June 16, 2024

Gastronomy, leisure… Every weekend at 6:50 a.m., Olivier Poels and Vanessa Zha present a product, a producer and all the good tips for re(discovering) a region.

We stroll in Essonne at Milly le foret, we open the doors of a “Maison des illustrious”

That of Jean Cocteau. It was for him “The rarest thing in the world, a frame”. He bought it after filming “Beauty and the Beast” in 1947. It was Jean Marais who unearthed this house for him. They will form a legendary couple, at the origin of masterpieces. Jean Marais is Cocteau’s muse, writing plays, poems, films like “Les parents terribles” but especially his most beautiful role in “Orphée”. If I talk to you about Jean Marais today it is because the first floor of their home, HIS floor, is open to the public for the first time.

And what do we see there?

His old bedroom which has been converted into a museum space: sounds, photos, archives around the worldly couple. From the couple of artists – there is even a work by Cocteau drawn in chalk on a blackboard, exhibited for the first time! And the intimate couple. We see them in a photo posing with Malouk, Jean Marais’ dog, in contact with whom he became animal, said Cocteau. We have a Jean Marais who is very sensitive to animals and animality.

This house has a garden I imagine….

A poetic garden in the image of Cocteau. The water from the moat flows under the bridges. A few refreshment tables have been set up to take advantage of it. There is also a sculpture garden with a head of Orpheus, a pair of rockery-style sphinxes. A green theater which hosts musical Saturdays. In the pure tradition of music salons. And so you can listen to both Satie and Piaf. Cocteau had eclectic tastes. Music was at the heart of Cocteau’s creation – he even hosted the Group of Six –

And we’re listening to your new Europe 1 Travel Podcast. Already online Marrakech. Next destination ? Mauritius, with among others Gustave Kervern… the episode comes out tomorrow


Along with sushi, it is the other star of Japanese restaurants! Yakitoris, literally grilled bird, are small skewers cooked on a binchotan barbecue (special charcoal which gives off a lot of heat and no odor)

Between the 16th and 18th centuries in Japan, the consumption of meat was prohibited, with the exception of chicken which was “tolerated”.

It is prepared on skewers and grilled. But it remains an unusual dish.

It was in the 19th and 20th centuries that things changed. We see the first street vendors appearing on the streets of big cities. They collect leftover chicken from fancy restaurants and make skewers from it.

The reputation of yakitori exploded even later, after the Second World War.

Two great yakitori classics: chicken, sweet sauce or the famous beef/cheese (originating from here and consisting of a heart of Emmental cheese wrapped in a slice of beef fillet)

Chicken yakitori


– Chicken pieces

– 10 cl of soy sauce

– 10 cl of mirin

– 10 g of sugar

– Oil


  1. Heat the soy sauce, mirin and sugar
  2. Let reduce by half (thick consistency)
  3. Assemble the skewers and brush them with oil
  4. Cook them on the barbecue or on a grill and coat them with the sauce.


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